About me & container shipping

...and how and why I wrote this website

Hi and welcome to Container-Transportation!

My name is Larry and I’m from Vietnam.

On this page I'll tell you a little about myself, how I got started in the container shipping industry, and why I created this website. I know it’s not so good to keep telling about myself, but it’s somewhat reasonable to let you my visitors have a little information about me, the webmaster of this site.

What do I do?

I came across to shipping industry when I chose to enter a maritime university 16 years ago. Frankly, that was not exactly my first option then, I chose it mainly to save expenses when studying in my home town.

Graduating from maritime school with a Bachelor's degree, I didn’t realize that I had really fallen in love with maritime stuff: ships, ports, cargo, bill of ladings… Two years later, I took a further step to pursuit a Master's degree in international transportation management at SUNY Maritime College.

Having changed several jobs in shipping and logistics, now I’m working for Vinalogs Co., Ltd. in Vietnam, in freight forwarding, customs clearance in Vietnam, local trucking, etc. (If you have any relating inquiry, don't hesitate to Contact me.)

I love my job in logistics and container shipping industry, though my career does not go smoothly sometimes.

My hobby

Sometimes I am confused about my hobbies, as frankly I don’t really like things that my friends do. I don’t like football (soccer), which a lot of people in my country are fans of. I read good books, but it’s still far from a hobby. I like travel sometimes, but don't have to sacrifice any thing for it, and it’s not hobby neither.

Perhaps, one thing I like doing the most: building website on the theme I really care - my profession. And you know, I write articles for my site in my free time, whenever I can. I love knowing people like you to visit my site, and some of you even leave some feedback. That’s wonderful.

By the way, recently I've started another business in design website and provide SEO as well marketing online for Vietnamese customers. Here's the official website: Carly.com.vn

My English

English is not my mother tongue. I keep trying but still make mistakes all the time. You may find somewhere I make mistake in wording, grammar, context, etc. Some may be stupid or ridiculous. Correct me, if you can. Don’t laugh at me please.

My dream and goal

Become an expert in logistics and container shipping industry. Well, I have to confess that there’s still a long way to go, but I'll keep trying as an old saying “go and you’ll arrive”. I’ll tell you when I make it.

Besides, though I’ve never been on big container ship, only boarded feeders (max over 1000 TEU), but really wish to do one day (Emma Maersk is great candidate for me :) ).

How to contact me

If you have any questions or comments about my site - or even if you'd just like to say hello - you can contact me using the form on this page.

I'd love to share my e-mail address with you here, but sadly there are too many spammers just waiting to send me their ads - and I want to be sure that YOUR messages are read!

I look forward to hearing from you.

With warmest wishes to you,

Larry Dao - Webmaster
Container Transportation  |  Vinalogs Co., Ltd.

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