Shipping line representative in Iran

by Sahra

Hi Larry,

We own a business company in Iran, Tehran, and lots of import from Far East. Recently, we decided to become an agent of a good shipping line from south Korea or China. I was searching today while i came across your website.

Would you please give me any advice on which is going to be a good shipping line for becoming their agent in Iran?

Best Wishes on your objectives regarding shipping and logistic expertise, Larry.


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Apr 16, 2013
Shipping line representative in Iran
by: Larry - webmaster

Hello Sahra,

It seems a challenge for me to give advice on your request, given the fact that I don't have much information about your area market, practice, etc.

I think you can try contacting South Korea and China shipping lines which haven't set up agent in your area yet, and see if there's any chance. Maybe your good volume of import will be good initial step for further research.

Best wishes,

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