Advantages of buying used cargo containers

You’re considering buying used cargo containers? Here are the advantages of those second hand receptacles.

Many used containers are available at a price that is cheaper than brand new, and much lower compared to a finished structure built by other labor-intensive means such as bricks and mortar buildings and modular spaces.

Container for construction involves a lot less human labor. Second-hand boxes usually only require simple modifications for other purposes (e.g. storage, construction) and can be purchased from shipping companies, sometimes for as little as US $1,500 each.


Used containers of different sizes (20’, 40’, 45’) & types (dry van, refrigerated) are often available in many markets. The fact that ISO containers are available in so many locations make them a very affordable option for your storage needs.

While new shipping containers are now mostly produced by manufacturers in China, you can find used containers available almost any market. They’re offered by dealers, large or small, ready for your consideration. (More about Sources of Used Shipping Containers)

Good strength and durability

Shipping and storage containers are in many ways an ideal building material. They are designed to be tough and carry heavy loads and they can stacked in high columns. They are also built to last in harsh elements and environments – such as going on board oil tankers or coated with road salt while transported on roads.

Due to their high strength capacities, containers are ideal for storing almost anything that can fit inside them. Why do you think the military uses them so much?

Modular structure

Most shipping containers are made to ISO standard measurements and as such they come with modular elements that can be combined into bigger structures. This simplifies design, planning and transport of them.

They are made to interlock for the ease of mobility during transportation, structural construction is completed by simply arranging them together on top of each other. The containers’ modular design makes other construction uses as simple as stacking more containers. They can be stacked up to 12 high when empty.

Easy transport

Because containers already conform to ISO standard about sizes, already assembled modules made by used cargo containers can be easily transported by truck, ship or train.

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